Wednesday, December 14, 2011

8 months old today!!! Update 12/14/11

So my big boy is already 8 months old!!! Wow how time flys! Things have been a little rough lately, as I posted before we are starting to see some break through seizures and that sucks... and he likes to scare mommy by having a temper and having episodes of holding my breath... which im sure are attributing to the seizures. The latest one was yesterday after getting his flu shot and immunizations.

We just had our Neuro Development apt at OHSU yesterday and it was once again a slap of reality in my face... its so easy to "forget" how behind he is on a daily basis while were at home in our own world. So they figured after 15 minutes of seeing him that he mentally and socially is at about 4 1/2 months and physically and motor skills hes still only at about 2 months... this is hard to hear. I spoke with our therapist who sees him on a weekly basis and she did say this is off some, some areas hes farther ahead than stated  but others hes not... Its getting to be a harder reality the older he gets as we start having to think about other therapy options for him and things that sound scary, standers ( a board they strap him to to allow him to stand upright) special bath chairs, special seats to help him sit ect...

They also dropped a bomb on me at the apt, and mentioned Cerebral Palsy.... saying that the tightness in his muscles are most likely due to the problem in his brain and they call that Cerebral Palsy... This being extremely hard to hear, but after talking to the wonderful moms of the OS support group and his therapist this morning, Cerebral Palsy is a very big spectrum and is not always what we think of when we hear that... but all in the same a very scary thing to hear...

On the lighter side, I am getting Sooo excited for Aiden's First Christmas!!!! I cannot believe how fast that came!!!!

I will post pictures of corse of that joyous occassion !!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

started eating food

whaaahh my baby, is getting so big already! he will be 8 months already on the 14 of december, and we have officially started solids! he does ok, i dont think he quite gets it yet and we can get a half a dozen or so bites in before he gets mad... but it is such a big step for us and as with anything with little squishy he will in time get to be a pro! he is very particular though and has decided the rice cereal tastes horrible and he'd rather have bananas ,lol