Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Squishy Update 7/24/12

So Im slacking on keeping this updated so this may be a long post!

Things have been good and busy... Aiden is making great progress with the helmet, he is almost at the point where we can be done with the helmet, we are looking at another 3 centimeters in one area and that is with the improvement with him not wearing his helmet very frequent due to the weather. so that is excititing!!

His seizures are for the most part controlled, he is having them, and on our worst days he may have 2 of them a day. They dont last very long and sometimes he quickly recovers from them. Of course I would love to say he is seizure free but I think from where we were hes doing pretty good.

He continues to also make small improvement in his therapy, things have gone so much better now that the formula change has happened. We are able to go through a whold therapy without him screaming through the whole therapy. He is working still on rolling over and playing while on his side but we have also started working on him standing!! He loves it!!!  It is so great to see him make improvements and see him enjoy doing certain things.

He is now eating solid foods on a regular basis and you can defintley tell when he likes certain foods over other ones...Our goal is to get him to where he is eating solids of what we are eating.. so we continue to work on that.

We are still waiting oh his special stroller, its killing me!! its getting harder for us to take him places and to have a place for him to be... everyday life has defintley changed. But he goes everywhere and does everthing with us... and for the most part he is a happy baby and things have slowed down and we are just able to settle in.

I continue to be very very active in the Ohtahara support group and i truly believe that without those wonderful parents this road would be so much harder!