Thursday, October 18, 2012

EEG results

So the EEG went well. Aiden did really well he was a happy boy and we had several nurses come in from the floor to say they had to see who was talking up a storm ;)

So he also was a good boy and had several of his breath holding spells , one of which our neurologist helper got to witness. They agreed, wow those are quite the fit but they are not seizures!!! It is so great to get a for sure answer and not constantly be in doubt.

The neurologist also said he's very happy with aidens EEG, although it is still abnormal and has seizure causing activity, that his brain is developing which is terrific news because that gives him the opportunity to develop which is of course all I can hope and pray for!!!

We are extremely lucky he is doing really well, is happy and has quite the little personality ;) our next step is to start cutting back on his seizure med and see If that gets us any more ability to develop, a scary thing to do but the less meds he's on sometimes the better, it's just finding the right levels that keep his seizures controlled but where he's not sedated and unable to develop.

Thank you again to everyone who still keeps tabs on us, we really appreciate it!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thoughts needed for tomorrow

So tomorrow me and Aiden are headed up to Doernbeckers for a 24hr eeg in hopes that we can see the breath holding spells and rule out them being seizures or not. This will be the first time we have been in the hospital since he came home... I am freeking out!!!lol I am having anxiety that something is going to happen and we are going to be stuck there again for weeks ... I know this is probably not going to happen but the possibility is always there. Just be thinking of us and hope that everything goes according to plan and that we see a seizure and also a breath holding spell so we dont have to do this for a long time again lol

Thanks in advace for everyones good thoughts