Thursday, June 12, 2014

Update 6/12/14

Wow again I really suck at updating this! 

We have had some up and downs in the last 6 months but for the most part we are extremely blessed and aiden is doing fairly well. Seizures are at the moment controlled and other than common colds and sinus infection he has been heathy! 

I've been pretty quiet about it but I believe we owe this to starting aiden on a low thc high cbd medical cannabis. Much like the stories of charoletts web in Colorado. We havnt had quite the amazing transformation of him gaining all development like charoletts but seizures are controlled, he's more alert and wanting to participate, he's able to gain weight, and has even made some developmental gains, small but some gains. We were even able to wean aiden from one of his seizure meds! So my plea to everyone is w new laws coming into play please keep open minded regarding medical marijuanna,it is really helping a lot of kids like aiden, not curing but apsolutly making their quality and possibly quantity of life better.  

Aiden also was able to start school! It has been a great experience! It was hard to hand over this child that most people are afraid to hold let alone be w him without me and just send him off on a bus for a couple hours, but he is really enjoying it, really enjoys the interaction w the other kids and his aid. He's painting and playing w switch toys and really having a great time! 

We have had weeks off and on of aiden screaming crying arching and just really seems to be uncomfortable and in pain, we have to wait now for a gi apt until July 1st so I'm hoping we find out something. It's been very difficult being up all night and trying to function the next day. 

We are also so looking forward to summer and swimming w aiden he really enjoys the water!

So I think that's about all! 

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