Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So due to new technology I was able to obtain Aidens EEG results online, Which is awesome!!!! But I have found this is also a Huge mistake!!! I cannot decipher what the eeg finding are... So after 2 messages to the Dr and an email the nurse finally called me back. What it does show is that there is definite improvement in his EEG! It does still show abnormal and that there is activity that can cause seizures, but he isn't having silent seizures ( ones we cant see) and there has been improvement and even findings of normal brain activity!!!! what this all means ... Well the nurse stated that she has sent a note to the Dr to please comment on the findings and to compare the findings and she will call me back hopefully tomorrow... this is why getting the results online is horrible because of course its a horrible waiting game. But for now this is great news!!! and hopefully this will give our little miracle baby the chance to develop, to what point we still don't know but I continue to stick with our motto... We will not let anyone tell us what Aiden will not be able to do, but instead give him all the tools to do all he can.

I will of corse as soon as I have any more news update everyone on what all this good news means for squishy!!!

Also dont forget the benefit for Aiden is this Sunday!!! Me and squishy will be there so anyone wanting to love on him is more than welcome!!! Thank you in advance to everyone who has and continues to support me and my family in this crazy ride our lives have taken!!!

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