Thursday, October 20, 2011

Can't believe I haven't posted yet

So we had Aidens first real on purpose laugh! Sophy was playing with him( mauling) him and at first I didn't quite get what I was hearing. But music to my ears! It's posted on my Facebook if you haven't already seen it. Then we went days with nothing even with my attempts to get him to do it again, so I and I started thinking it was a one time fluke. But last night while he was supposed to be sleeping I was loving on him and he did it again!!! I was laughing and tearing up all in the same moment! I've found it's actually in response to him being extremely ticklish around his chin neck area! Lol so great!

So we have officially hit the 3 month mark for no seizures!!!! Whhoooohooo!!! Turned 6 months and started laughing all in the same month! Time is flying right by and I wish I could stop it! So we do have an apt tomorrow for another EEG to see if the jerks he is having show up as infantile spasms..... I'm extremely nervous ... But hopeful, the neuro got to see them at our last apt and even took the time to go over his EEG and see if it was showing the pattern of infantile spasms, which it wasn't so I'm hopeful that nothing has changed. So I will update when I get the results which will be a while based on last time.... But I think I will wait till the doctor calls and if I can stay offline. Lol

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