Monday, October 24, 2011


So friday Aiden had his EEG, it went as well as expected. He ended up getting so pissed he had one of his episodes, which I hate to see but was sadly excited they hopefully got his brainwaves and a video, so at least the doctor can witness what hes doing and can tell us once and for all if they are seizures! After his fit throwing he did give the nurses his aiden charm laughing and smiling and giving his pouts. Such a little charmer! He also did so good and went to sleep (what they needed him to do) and he did his twitches again, which again im excited they got to capture them so we can know for sure wether they are seizures or not... So all in all it went very good and now we just sig and wait to hear from the doctor. Always a waiting game lol.

On a happier note also we had our first big family outing to the pumkin patch. He was so good ! He ended up falling asleep and missing most of it but he was so stinkin cute doing it! He even got to play in the corn bin with his big sisters and sit on his first tractor! Lol

Were also starting to become a little mobile! Ahhh watch out ! Hes starting to push himself around on his back by kicking and pushing his feet... So matt time is a little more interesting I push myself into the wall and off the matt and face into my toys!

Well off we go to do some tummy time!  And I will update everyone when I get the results of his EEG test when I get them!

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