Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Feeling lost

So we have officially broke our no seizure record. In the last month Aiden has had 3... The last two yesterday then again today. As I sit here thinking of the thanksgiving holiday and what we are thankful for ( which is still many things) but its a little harder ... Just when u think life couldnt get worse, it seems to do just that.

I think its almost harder when u have a sweet baby who is seizure free for so long, and doing so well. Its almost a false sense of things being "normal" and when those seizures creep back up its such a severe blow to your false reality... It takes you back to those days of no hope.. And cursing the god that could let something like this happen to your sweet sweet little baby...

What you tend to learn is once time goes on, so do people, and your left alone in this horrible place. Trying to go back to the normal that you no longer fit into.

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