Friday, March 16, 2012

Swallow Study

So Tuesday we had Aidens swallow study done. It was not the best news, we found that he is aspirating on liquids. It was the most emotional and scary appointment I think we've had. His eating has been the one "normal" thing with him and after getting him eating again after being on a feeding tube we have tried very hard to keep that continuing. I was very adamant that i didn't want him to have to get the gtube and when i heard them say at the appointment that he was in fact aspirating, fear set in. I just knew they were going to tell me that he was not going to be able to eat by mouth any longer and that we would have to do the g tube. This is not exactly what happened thank god! We do have to add a thickening agent to his bottles, which has become quite the ordeal to get it just the right consistency and it makes him mad because eating takes longer and is not as easy as before. It has literally taken me this whole week to really get somewhat of a system down but i finally feel we may be getting it. Its a starch that we put in, and you have to get it just right or it ends up thick as pudding. We have to let it sit for 3 minutes (which aiden is not fond of because when he wants to eat he wants to eat now!) it definitely makes making bottles away from home harder to do ... but I will take it over the g tube and taking away his food any day!

We continue to do the wean of his one med and for the most part its going pretty well. We had a day where he had 3 seizures in a day which is the most he's had for quite some time. And by the end of the month we should be done with weaning and hopefully seizure freedom continues...and we get to celebrate his 1st birthday!!!!

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