Friday, July 22, 2011

Quick update

So things are going pretty well, we have been off the prednisone and our crankiness is much better but not gone... since we've been off the prednisone we had a total of 5 seizures but since that week we havnt had any! Aidens been awake and getting so big! He is a wooping 17lbs and wearing 6 month old clothing!!! We've also started a new thing were I puke on mom! Not quite sure what causing it but its not fun... I swear I have trippled the laundry because its a huge puke that comes out his nose and just pours out... the dr however isn't concered since he's still gaining weight...

Next week we have one of our therapy evaluations and I'm curious to see where he scores, but we already know he's probably at least a month plus behind being as he really spent his first month sleeping.

Other than that we have a month off of softball, so we have been having a garage sale, weather pending. So that is taking up much of our time ...

I will update again after our therapy appointment

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