Thursday, July 7, 2011


So.... we are still seizure free!!!!! Whoohooo!!!

We are 2 days away from getting to stop the steroid and I am praying that little mans irritability gets better... I wont lie its been very trying on our whole family to have a baby that does nothing but cries...

So we had a neurologist apt and I am so ready to be done with this lady, I told her he has been seizure free and her answer was "well I'm not going to be optimistic " who says that? ! It has been a little bit of a struggle trying to get the appropriate referrals from the insurance to get to where we can switch but hopefully I can get it done soon.

Next week we have an appointment to have him evaluated for therapy so I'm excited to get that started right away, I think it will give me some ideas how to work with him and trying while he's seizure free to develop as much as possible.

I know i say this a lot but thank you everyone for continuing to think of my family and for all the prayers!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe the Dr. said such a rude thing!! Praise God for no sezuires! We continue to pray for your family and that your little squishy isn't in pain and doesn't cry so much. Thank you for keeping us posted!

    Trina Brown
