Saturday, April 23, 2011

Another good day!

It has been a nice relaxing day, the dr checked in earlier and was impressed with aidens progress, I explained to him that aiden had heard him say it was gonna be a couple more weeks and decided he was gonna prove him wrong! So he said he will be pressuring the neurologists to start making a plan soon, as ultimatly its up to them when aidens readyn to come home.

I didnt get to see my wonderful husband today, I think this is all taking a very big toll on him, so instead me and aiden took a nap together : o ) its kind of nice the nicu had two sets of twins come in last night so they movec us to an issolation room, so it kinda feels like we have our own area.

Aiden continues to make great progress, he is waking up every 3 hrs on the dot starving to death, and is breastfeeding awesome! He is getting to the point where he is keeping his oxygen up while feeding and has even started going from onr breast to the other! Theb nurse said the next step tonight is to start trying to give him his meds orally instead of through the tube : o ) again baby steps to getting him home!

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