Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy easter!

Today is a hard day, I have to miss the fun of seeing the girls faces when they see that the easter bunny has come... This sucks!!!! I also dont get to dress my little man in his easter outfit I had bought months ago...

I finally got to visit with my awesome hubby without the girls there interupting, it was nice but very hard to see my hubby struggling, I get to at least somewhat forget about the every day life stresses of kids fighting, housewlrk and bills and money, he however gets to deal with these things on his own.

Aiden has continued to do great, hes an eating machine! He even managed to pull his feeding tube out this morningn /: o ) I think thats his way of tellkng the drs lets get the show on the road/! He wants to come home!! A plus also is with all the poking and proding hes getting here he might actually be able to sleep amongst the crazyness once he does get home!

So everyone please pray we get to go soon!!!

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