Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So meet with both the dr and the neurologist, so basically @this point, they have upped the dose of his meds and will check the level of the one, as it had dropped significantly,which could explain why after so many days of not having any seizures why now they are starting again. So tomorrow they will recheck the levels and make sure he is doing good on those levels... His eating is not as much of an issue today and if he continues should be good to go home, so @x this point the nerologist will check back tomorrow, well make sure his levels of meds are good and hix eating continues and see if they will let us go!!! But I am not even going to speculate or get excited until he is in his carseat with discharge paperwork... So one day at a time.

Im talking to them I am reminded that the tests we have done have all come back negative, which is good there are 4or so tests left that we r waiting on...

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