Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22

So dr update this morning, little man is doing great! He continued to eat @his 3 hr feedings, wakying anf crying, man is it great to hear that!!! He has officially been without seizures for 2 days!!!!! He is at regular room air except when he is eating and forgetting to breath because hes so starving lol , dr said I can try breast feeding right away which makes me estatic!!!! The pumping is good at filling my time but just not the same. So without getting my hopes up, the dr said if things continue and he shows he can eat enough to keep growing on his own(because he tires quickly and falls asleep before he finishes what they say he should be eating, and if he continues w no seizures and on no oxygen than we may get to go home sometime next week!!!!! Things could always stall this process, and it also depends on what the neurologist thinks.... So today we take baby steps, try breastfeeding and continue to thank god for the progress were making!!!

Also I was of corse hoping and praying that the test they did yesterday for the b6 deficiency would be possitive and that would beb our answer, the dr hadnt heard yet the results but said he would go as far to venture that if that was the problem that they would already be giving him the medicine for that, .... This hurts a little because I wanted so bad for it to be such an easy fix but knew it was a very long shot....

These are pictures of him doing his eeg test and crying for auntie karlee!!! Such an amazing little man !

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