Monday, May 23, 2011

Little steps

So its been a very busy couple of days... and so mixed with heartbreak and joy...

So my wonderful sister found a support group online with parents with kids in aidens situation and though that I have got a lot of encouraging words and advice. Through some devine intervention there is a lady that responded who has a ten yr old daughter and they live in the Seattle area! It just so happened she was in Vancouver with her other daughter for something and took time out of her trip down here to visit us in the hospital and just give us advice and answered questions. It really just helped me realize although I was feeling detached from aiden and grieving for all the things I wanted for my son that its not about me.... I need to buck up and do everything possible I can do for him and even if that means holding and touching him..... but also that we need to be the voice for aiden and if we don't like an answer we can look for others, and we don't have to sit back and let the drs and nurses do veryyhing, that we can be a part of his care and we can question them.

Aiden is doing pretty good, he did have to seem to have something going on, he started a fever and as soon as they started the tylenol his seizures got better and last night he actually started crying... the best sound ever!!! I got to feed him with a bottle instead of through the feeding tube, wich is something you definitely take for granted.... and he continued all night and of corse pushing the nurses to their uncomfort. Het had been getting 2 oz at a feeding well he decides he's still hungry so they give him a tiny bit more, he sucks that down and wants more, then I try to get him to slee he wants more ... and that jut continued all night, then this morning he wakes and eats 6 oz all in one sitting!!! So I think that was his way of saying screw you I'm hungry!

It has been such a rollercoaster, after all th eyears of wanting and then begging mike for my great danes I came to the hard decision that with our enteire life changing and the amount of time, energy and patience this new nife is going to entail I had to make the decisioin to find a new better home for my babies .... this was one of the very hardest decisioins I've had to make and it breaks my heart but I. Just knew I couldn't give them the attention they deserve ... so last night my babies went to their new family...

Thank you so much to everyone who has stepped up to help and to those friends of mine who wouldn't take no for an answer... I really appreciate everything everyone has done and all the love and support we are going to need all of iti through this long journey

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