Friday, May 13, 2011

So our adventure starts again as the ambulance drivers show up with a big kid car seat to transfer Aiden to emanuel. The carseat is so big the straps come up past his ears... Thank god its an ambulance so if he does get hurt they can help him! Then the lady driver is going what seems really fast and hitting every major pot hole along the whole I 5 so as if my babies brain isnt already messed up now he has shaken baby syndrome!

So they are doing a 24hr eeg again to see if he is having any seizures we cant see and also they run a video so they can see what the seizures look like. They will also be trying the b6 vitamin test again... Im prayin to god thats the problem because again its an easy fix ... But we are in for a couple more day stay.... This time instead of being in the nicu though we are in the pediatric floor... You wouldnt think that would make a huge difference, but we actually have our own room with a bathroom, and this time instead of my once a day $4 meal ticket they actually feed me... So it makes me feel a little better... Sad that little things like that can make a difference...

So ad im trying to be possitive I am always on the verge of completly breaking down... They have poked him 4 to 5 times to get his iv and the seizures seem to be getting worse and it is the hardest thing to hafta watch. Then my heart breaks at everything im missing, Kaila had a game tonight with a pretty hard team and they won! Ky said she haf 2-3 outs @ home which are always amazing to watch... I just dont know howx much more of this stress I can take, or my family for that matter....

Im hoping we have some answers tomorrow

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