Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Update 6/21

So we had another neurology apt today and Aiden is doing pretty good! For the last 5 days we have cut our seizures from over 30 (sometimes 3-4 in an hr) to 10-14 and going hrs and hrs without any! It is so great! He is starting to act like a normal baby crying and he's up to eating all on his own and 8 oz at a time!!! Its so great to have my baby back ; o )

So we have our big apt tomorrow at the neuro science hospital in Seattle tomorrow and of corse I'm running around with my head cut off trying to get everything ready.... I'm nervous and excited ... and this is just the orientation where the tell us about the diet... so lets hope he's a candidate and that it will be something that will make the seizures go away! I will update everyone when we get done tomorrow evening! !!!

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